I missed two months of posts... I know, I know. I’m the scum of the earth! I know there are a very very small handful of you lovely humans that actually take the time to subscribe and maybe even read this. So, I thank you.
It’s been a daunting few months and it’s still not over. I’m currently on my second round of major edits for my upcoming novel Dawning of the Sun that has a 2024 release expectation. However, I’ve discovered a rift in... let us call it background goings on in the novel and I have to repair it. So, here I am on the cusp of finishing off some additional scenes, some scene cut backs, and BAM! WHAM! It hits me like a hot, wet fish slap. The thing that every writing lecture/workshop/advisory committee has been trying to drill into my little stubborn noggin, KNOW YOUR CHARACTERS MOTIVATIONS. I did, or I thought I did, but these things can change and by the gods, it did. At exactly the mid-point of the book my editor commented “I’m losing her motivation here.” Apparently so was I. So, I just dipped my toe into the paragraph to adjust it and, like all revelations, it snowballed into a massive threat that rolled down that hill, gaining speed and size until it took the second half of the novel with it! Okay, not really. The plot will remain the same. Events will unfold as they always have, but now I have to review, revise, and make sure that Sol’s motivations are right. I think deep down, I always knew this was the path she was on, but I had not put it into the right words, I hadn’t let the subtext become text. But there it was, in plain simple Times New Roman. My conscious mind looked at my subconscious and said, “Well, fuck.” So here I am, still needed to add new scenes, still needing to do a pass for word use, still needing to adjust 250 pages of a 410 page manuscript, and my publisher is like “so where are those edits at?” Ha! I told them that they are underway... and that I need 2-3 more weeks. I’m hoping to have the final pass done before the new year, but I had also hoped to have the first draft of the second installment of The Aeternum Series done. That has taken a back seat. I haven’t written a word since the first week of October. But that’s how this snowball rolls and it’s going to take its own toll on the second book anyways. In other news, the publisher has completed my very professional landing page that will become my new website. I didn’t want to lose any of you lovelies, so I kept the blog. It will be imbedded within the new site, but for now it’s back to a free blog in a land of blogs. My back copy is done and I have toiled over these few paragraphs for far longer than was probably necessary, but I’m happy with what came out of the pain of working on it. Thanks again for your patience and your scrap of time, dear readers. I hope that when this beast is out in the world, you’ll have a chance to dive into its pages and enjoy the hell out of it.
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AuthorM.E. Kalous studied English, humanities, and publishing at Simon Fraser University. She has a deep love of Greek and Norse mythology and all things related to the Inferno. She is a voracious reader of fiction, fantasy, fairy tales, and sci-fi. Archives
October 2024